Panca Instrumen
Performance-based Assessment requires learners to create a response or a product to a task given that demonstrate his or her understanding, knowledge or skills over a period of time.
The assessment system in the Smart School will be eclectic in nature with the use
of a variety of approaches and instruments in order to actively involve students in a process that joins together what is taught, how it is taught and how it is evaluated.
Tools of assessment will range from traditional assessment tools as well as alternative assessment tools. This approach will help improve the validity of the assessment as this will ensure a wide coverage of both the content and process of learning and instruction.
Traditional assessment tools such as paper and pencil tests in criterion-referenced standardised tests to assess overall achievement will be used. Traditional and alternative assessment will be used to assess multiple intelligence in learners centrally.
Alternative assessment refers to any form of assessment that is other than the traditional standardised norm-referenced or criterion-referenced paper and pencil testing. It may require students to answer an open-ended question, work out a solution to a non-routine problem, perform a demonstration of a skill or produce a portfolio or artifact.
Forms of alternative assessment that will be implemented in the Smart School for classroom, school-based and centralised assessment are as follows
- authentic assessment
- performance based assessment
- portfolio assessment
- learner-generated rubrics assessment
Authentic Assessment is a form of assessment whereby learners are required to show their actual performance and practice an entire concept rather than bits and pieces in preparation for eventual understanding
Portfolio Assessment refers to the systematic collection of a learner’s work samples, records of observation and test results over a period of time. The assessment of a portfolio is based on established criteria to reflect the achievement of the instructional objectives.
Learner-generated Rubric Assessment focuses on the teacher’s instructional objectives which are derived from educational standards. Learners will generate their own rubric, guided by the teacher, based on the quality of standards they desire to achieve for themselves.The assessment of the product, performance or demonstration will be conducted by learners and teachers based upon
their own criteria and performance indicators